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Estimating Component Values - Fish

 Updated 2015-08-15

 Estimating Component Values for Fish  -  Protein - Moisture

In fish, the proximate composition is important for the post-mortem technological treatment. Therefore, the proximate composition of fish has been studied intensively for many years.

The Protein-Moisture Relation

To be continued.

Conclusion on the protein-moisture relation

To be continued.



  • Atwater W. O.:
    The chemical composition and nutritive values of food fishes and aquatic invertebrates.
    Part XIV. Report of the Commissioner for 1888, pp. 679-868.
    United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries.
    Government Printing Office, Washington 1892.
  • Clark E. D., Almy L. H.:
    A Chemical Study of Food Fishes - The Analysis of Twenty Food Fishes with Especial reference to a Seasonal Variation in Composition.
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 33, 483-498, 1918.
  • Brandes C. H. & Dietrich, R.:
    Studies on fat and water contents of the edible part of the redfish (Sebastes marinus L.) (translation).
    Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel, 58 (6), 433–439, 1956.
  • Brandes C. H. & Dietrich R.:
    Relationship between the protein content and the nutritive condition of the Norway redfish (Sebastes marinus L.) (translation).
    Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel, 59 (6), 434–437, 1957.
  • Brandes C. H. & Dietrich R.:
    Zusammenfassende betrachtungen uber den Fett- un Wasser- gehalt im essbaren Anteil des Harings.
    Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel, 55, 533-541, 1953.
  • Brandes C. H. & Dietrich R.:
    Über die Bestimmung des Fettgehaltes im ganzen, unausgenommenen Hering auf Grund der Korrelation Fett und Wasser.
    Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel Volume 56, Issue 7, pages 495–499, 1954.
  • Brandes C. H. & Dietrich R.:
    Some aspects of the relationship between fat and water content, and fat distribution, in edible fishes (translation).
    Veröffentlichhungen des Instituts fur Meresforschung in Bremerhaven. 5: 299-305, 1958.
  • Thurston E.:
    Proximate Composition of Nine Species of Sole and Flounder.
    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Vol. 9, No. 4, 313-316, 1961.
  • Brooke R. O., Ravesi E. M., Steinberg M. A.:
    The Composition of Commercially Important Fish Taken From New England Waters.
    II. Proximate Analyses of Butterfish, Flounder, Pollock, and Hake, and Their Seasonal Variation.
    Food Research, 27, 73–76, 1962.
  • Stoddard J.H.:
    Studies of the condition (fatness) of herring.
    Technical report 5. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 1967.
  • Stoddard J.H.:
    Fat content of Canadian Atlantic herring.
    Technical report 79, Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 1968.
  • Hardy R. and Keay J. N.:
    Seasonal variations in the chemical composition of Cornish mackerel, Scomber scombrus (L), with detailed reference to the lipids.
    International Journal of Food Science & Technology 7, 125-137, 1972.
  • Hodder V.M., Parsons L.S., Winters G.H., Spencer, K.:
    Fat and water content of herring in Newfoundland and adjacent waters, 1966-71.
    Technical report 365, Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 1973.
  • Sidwell V. D., Foncannon P. R., Moore N. S., Bonnet J. C.:
    Composition of the Edible Portion of Raw (Fresh or Frozen) Crustaceans, Finfish , and Mollusks. I. Protein, Fat, Moisture, Ash, Carbohydrate, Energy Value, and Cholesterol.
    MFR Paper 1043.
    Marine Fisheries Review, Vol. 36, No.3, March 1974.
  • Gooch J. A., Hale M. B., Brown Jr. T., Bonnet J. C., Brand C. G., Regier L. W.:
    Proximate and Fatty Acid Composition of 40 Southeastern U.S. Finfish Species.
    NOAA Technical Report NMFS 54.
    National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
    U. S. Department of Commerce, June 1987.
  • Skotte Jacobsen J. and Leth T.:
    Food Monitoring System for Nutrients - Fish and Fish Products (in Danish).
    Publikation nr. 179.
    National Food Agency of Denmark, Søborg, marts 1989.
  • Grégoire F., Dionne F. H., Lévesque C.:
    Fat content of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) in 1991 and 1992.
    Canadian lndustry Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 220.
    Fisheries Science Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, 1994.
  • Pedersen, A. N. and Meyland I.:
    Nutrient data for 41 fish species (unpublished data).
    Institut for levnedsmiddelkemi og ernæring, Søborg, 1994.
  • Skotte Jacobsen J. and Leth T.:
    Food Monitoring System for Nutrients - Fish 2. cycle (in Danish).
    Project 911501 - Internal report ILE 1994.2.
    National Food Agency of Denmark, Søborg, januar 1994.
  • Skotte Jacobsen J. and Knuthsen O.:
    Food Monitoring System for Nutrients - Fish 3. cycle (in Danish).
    FødevareRapport 1999:09.
    Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, Søborg, maj 2000.
  • Yeannes, M. I. and Almandos, M. E.:
    Estimation of fish proximate composition starting from water content.
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 16, 81–92, 2003.
  • Reykdal Ó., Jörundsdóttir H. Ó., Desnica N., Hauksdóttir S., Ragnarsdóttir Þ., Vrac A., Gunnlaugsdóttir H., Pálmadóttir H.:
    Næringargildi sjávarafurða. Meginefni, steinefni, snefilefni og fitusýrur í lokaafurðum.
    Skýrsla Matís 33-11, Október 2011.
    ISSN 1670-7192
  • Öhrvik V., von Malmborg A., Mattisson I., Wretling S., Åstrand C.:
    Fisk, skaldjur och fiskprodukter - analys av näringsämnen.
    Rapport 1 - 2012.
    Livsmedelsverket (National Food Agency), Sweden 2012.
    ISSN 1104-7089
  • Food Composition and Diet Team, Public Health Directorate:
    Nutrient analysis of fish and fish products - Summary Report.
    Department of Health, March 2013.


14th International Food Data Conference.

The conference will take place from 1 to 3 September 2025 at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy. For mor information, see the IFDC website.
New Zealand Food Composition Data 2024.

Latest NZFCD products (FOODfiles™, Online Search and the data manual) published the 30th August 2024, see the NZFCD website.
First Albanian food composition tables (2022).

First Albanian food composition tables (2022) published with assistance from NPPC-VÚP in the frame of the Slovak Republic Official Development Support Programme.
Download here.
Swedish food composition database updated.

New version of the Swedish food composition database with updated nutritional values for several food groups and new foods and iodine values added. See the Swedish Food Agency's website.