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Recipe Calculation

 Updated 2025-02-20

 Using recipe calculation to estimate component content of composite foods

Apart from direct analysis, calculation of the content of components (nutrients, trace elements, etc.) of composite foods is one of the nutritionist's basic tools. Recipe calculations often include application of yield and retention factors.

Below is a collection of books, reports and scientific literature on the topic.

USDA ARS Nutrient Data Laboratory reports and publications

USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory and its predecessors have a long tradition for using recipe calculations to obtain nutrient composition of composite foods. Some of the classic publications in the area comes from USDA.

  • Merrill A.L., Adams C.F., Fincher L.J.:
    Procedures for Calculating Nutrient Values of Home-Prepared Food
    U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Report ARS 62-13 (revised 1963)
    Washington, D.C., March 1966.
  • Matthews R.H., Garrison Y.J.:
    Food Yields Summarized by Different Stages of Preparation
    U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Agriculture Handbook No. 102:
    Washington, D.C., revised September 1975.
  • Murphy, E.W., Criner, P.E., Gray, B.C.:
    Comparison of methods for determining retentions of nutrients in cooked foods.
    Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 1153-1157, 1975.
  • Posati L.:
    Principles for Calculating Nutrient Values
    National Nutrient Data Bank Conference, Michigan, April 1980
  • Perloff B.P.:
    Recipe Calulations for the NFCS Database
    National Nutrient Data Bank Conference, San Francisco 1985
  • Showell B. A., Howe J.C., Buege D.R.:
    Cooking Yields and nutrient retention factors of bacon, liver, and sausages.
    USDA Human Nutrition Research Center, Nutrient Data Laboratory, Beltsville MD, US.
    Poster at 5th International Food Data Conference and the 27th National Nutrient Databank Conference, Washington D.C., 2003
  • Showell B.A., Howe J.C., Williams J., Holden, J.M. Zeisel, S.:
    Determination of Cooking Yields and Nutrient Retention Factors of Choline in Meat Products.
    Poster at Experimental Biology, Washington, D.C., April 25, 2007.
  • Wyatt, J.:
    Nutrient Content of Raw and Cooked Mixed Dishes.
    Final Report and Progress Report (September 18, 1982 to March, 18, 1983).
    U.S.D.A Contract No. 53-5244-0-199.
    Department of Food Science and Technology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331, U.S.A.
    Submitted to Anne C. Marsh, Science and Education Administration, Human Nutrition, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
  • Marsh, A.:
    Problems Associated with Recipe Analysis.
    National Nutrient Data Bank Conference, Minneapolis 1983

The most recent information from USDA on yield and retention factors is

  • Showell B.A., Williams J.R., Duvall M. Howe J.C., Patterson K.Y., Roseland J.M., Holden J.M.:
    USDA Table of Cooking Yields for Meat and Poultry
    Nutrient Data Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture , December 2012  
  • USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory:
    USDA Table of Nutrient Retention Factors, Release 6
    Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture , December 2007
    The file is also available in delimited format

For more information, see the USDA ARS Nutrient Data Laboratory website.

Eurofoods report on nutrient losses and gains (NLG) factors

One of the European classics on nutrient losses and gains factors is

  • Bergström, L.:
    Nutrient Losses and Gains in the Preparation of Foods.
    Livsmedelsverket, Rapport 32/94, Uppsala 1994.
NORFOODS 2000 report on intake calculations
  • NORFOODS 2000:
    Intagsberäkningar av kostdata i Norden. En jämförelse av näringsdata, beräkningsfaktorer och beräkningsmetoder. [Intake calculations of food consumption data in the Nordic countries. A comparison of food composition data, calculation factors and calculation methods] - in Swedish, summary in English.
    TemaNord 2002:522, Nordisk Ministerråd. København 2002.
    ISBN 92-893-0770-6 ISSN 0908-6692
EuroFIR reports on recipe calculation and retention factors

The EuroFIR Network of Excellence (2005-2010) has published a series of reports on the use of recipe calculation and yield and retention factors in the European countries. The EuroFIR reports also comprise suggestions for a harmonisation of vitamin and mineral retention factors.

  • Vásquez-Caicedo, A.L, Bell, S., Hartmann, B.:
    Report on collection of rules on use of recipe calculation procedures including the use of yield and retention factors for imputing nutrient values for composite foods (D2.2.9), March 2008.
  • Reinivuo, H., Laitinen, K.:
    WP2.2 Composite foods: Harmonisation of recipe calculation procedures (D2.2.12/M2.2.4), April 2007.
  • Reinivuo, H.:
    Inventory of recipe calculation documentations of EuroFIR partners. An annex to the report of Proposal for the harmonisation of recipe calculation procedures (D2.2.12/M2.2.4), May 2007.
  • Bell et al.:
    Report on Nutrient Losses and Gains Factors used in European Food Composition Databases. (D1.5.5)
  • Vásquez-Caicedo et al
    EuroFIR Vitamin Retention Factors 2008 (proposal)
    EuriFIR NoE Workshop, Prague 2008
  • Vásquez-Caicedo et al
    EuroFIR Mineral Retention Factors 2008 (proposal)
    EuriFIR NoE Workshop, Prague 2008
Other papers and information related to recipe calculation
Recipe calculation in general
  • Rand, W.M., Pennington, J.A.T., Murphy, S.P. & Klensin, J.C.:
    Recipe Calculation Guidelines in Compiling Data for Food Composition Data Bases. United Nations University Press. Tokyo 1991.
    Section 4: Data from other sources
    Section 5: Estimation from data on similar foods
    Section 6: Calculation for multi-ingredient foods
  • Charrondière U.R., Burlingame B., Berman S., Elmadfa, I.:
    Food Composition Study Guide - Questions and Exercises.
    FAO/INFOODS. Rome, 2011. Pages 133-150.
  • Charrondière, U.R.:
    Food Composition Study Guide Presentations - Recipe and Other Calculation
  • Powers C. and Dolven C.L.:
    Recipe Nutrient Analysis: Best practices for calculation and chemical analysis. 1st Ed.
    Culinary Nutrition Publishing LLC, January 2015.
    ISBN 978-0981676982
  • Frank S.:
    From "As Purchased" to "Edible Portion": How to Analyze a Recipe Using a Nutrient Database.
    Published by Dr. Sandra Frank. May 2, 2014.
    ISBN 978-0991341412  
Reports, presentations and tables
  • Amcoff E.:
    Portionsstorlekar för fisk. Analys och bearbetning av rapporterade fiskportioner i matvaneundersökningen, Riksmaten vuxna 2010-11 [Portion sizes for fish. Analysis and processing of reported fish portions in the dietary survey, Riksmaten adults 2010-11].
    Master Thesis 15 ETCS credit points, 2014 - Department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics,
    Uppsala University
  • Amcoff E., Barbieri H. E.:
    Revidering av Matmallen.
    Rapport 21.
    Livsmedelsverket (National Food Administration), Uppsala 2008.
  • Andersen L.T., Jensen H., Haraldsdóttir J.:
    Typiske vægte for madvarer [Typical weight for foods].
    Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition/Näringsforskning, Vol. 40 (4), Suppl. 32, pp. S129-S152, 1996.
  • Bergvatn, T. A. M., Dalane, J. Ø.:
    Vektendringsfaktorer for kjøtt og fisk, fersk pasta og noen grønnsaker [Yield factors for meat and fish, fresh pasta and some vegetables].
    Universitetet i Oslo, Mattilsynet, Helsedirektoratet, 2014  Universitetet i Oslo, Mattilsynet, Helsedirektoratet
  • Bognár, A.:
    Tables of weight yield of food and retention factors of food constituents for the calculation of nutrition composition of cooked foods (dishes).
    Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung, Karlsruhe, 2002.
  • Charrondière R., Haytowitz D., Stadlmeyer B.:
    FAO/INFOODS Density Database Version 2.0 (2012)
    FAO, Rome 2012.
  • Church S.:
    Trends in portion sizes in the UK - A preliminary review of published information.
    Report to the Food Standards Agency, March 2008 (revised May 2008).
    Report Tables
  • Clausen I.:
    Råt og tilberedt kød - fedt, protein og svind.
    StorKøkkenCentret, Ernæringsafdelingen, Fødevaredirektoratet, oktober 2000.
  • Dalane J. Ø., Bergvatn T. A. M., Kielland E., Carlsen M. H.:
    Mål, vekt og porsjonsstørrelser for matvarer.
    Mattilsynet, Universitetet i Oslo og Helsedirektoratet, 02/2015.
  • De Meulenaer B., Van Camp J.:
    Factors that affect fat uptake during French fries production.
    EUPPA European Association of Potato Processing Industry n.d.
  • Grossmann A., Knuthsen P.:
    Ændringer i fedtindhold ved tilberedning af kød og fisk: et litteraturstudie.
    Levnedsmiddelstyrelsen, 1992
  • Hagman U., Haraldsdóttir J., Seppänen R., Steingrímsdóttir L., Trygg K.:
    Portionsstorlekar - Nordiska standardportioner av mat och livsmedel.
    TemaNord 1998:554.
    Nordisk Ministerråd, København 1998.
  • Hansen I.:
    Mad - Mål og Vægt
    Statens Levnedsmiddelinstitut - Ernæringsenheden, Søborg 1983.
  • Kirsten Hansen, Anne Lassen:
    Tab af B-vitaminer i kød ved anvendelsen af forskellige storkøkkenteknologier [Loss of B vitamins during different catering preparation methods.].
    Fødevaredirektoratet, FødevareRapport 2000:19, 2000 Fødevaredirektoratet, FødevareRapport 2000:19, 2000
  • Hess Ygil K.:
    Mål, vægt og portionsstørrelser på fødevarer [Measures, weight and food portion sizes].
    DTU Fødevareinstituttet, januar 2013.
  • Jensen F. G.:
    Kvaliteten af svinekød (primært kamstykket) efter tilberedning.
    Husholdningsrådets Tekniske Meddelelser nr. 5, 1980.
  • Leverton R.M., Odell G.V.:
    The Nutritive Value of Cooked Meats.
    Miscellaneous Publication MP-49
    Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station
    Oklahoma State University, March 1958.
  • Livsmedelsverket. 2023. PM 2023 (Cecilia Axelsson et al.):
    Volymvikter, viktförändringsfaktorer och avfall - Sammanställning av försök utförda vid Livsmedelsverket [Density, yield and waste - Compilation of experiments carried out at the Swedish National Food Agency].
    Livsmedelsverkets PM. Uppsala. PM 2024, ISSN 1104-7089
  • Livsmedelsverket:
    Livsmedelsverket (National Food Administration), Uppsala 1999. - 2001 update
  • Marcoe K.:
    Recipe Calculations: Nutrient Retention Factor Method
    National Nutrient Data Base Conference, Baton Rouge 1993
  • Mills A., Patel J.:
    Food Portion Sizes, 2nd edition.
    Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
    Her Majesty's Stationary Office, London 1994.
    ISBN 0112429610
  • Nielsen  S.J., Popkin B. M.:
    Patterns and Trends in Food Portion Sizes, 1977-1998.
    Journal of the American Medical Association, 289(4):450-453, 2003.
  • RIVM - National Institute for Public Health and the Environment:
    Portie-Online - Portion-online contains information about sizes and weights of a large number of foods available in the Netherlands (in Dutch)
  • Petot G.J.:
    Yield Factor and Summation Methods.
    National Nutrient Data Base Conference, Baton Rouge 1993
  • Sääksjärvi, K., Reinivuo, H.:
    Ruokamittoja (Guide över matprotioner, in Finnish)
    National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, 2004. National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, 2004
  • Torry Research Station, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK:
    Yield and nutritional value of the commercially more important fish species.
    FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 309.
    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 1989.
    ISBN 92-5-102870-2
  • Unwin, I.D.:
    EUROFOODS Guidelines for Recipe Information Management.
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis Volume 13, Issue 4, August 2000, Pages 745-754.
  • Unwin, I.D .:
    Recipe Calculation in Food Table Software.
    COST Action 99/EUROFOODS Workshop on Recipe Calculation and Information Management, 4 July 1999, Rome.
  • U. S. Department of Agriculture:
    Manual of Food Codes and Weights for Use in Household Food Consumption Phase 1977-78 NFCS.
    Human Nutrition Center, Consumer and Food Economics Institute.
    U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington November 1979.
  • U. S. Department of Agriculture:
    Weights, Measures and Conversion Factors for Agricultural Commodities and Their Products.
    Economic Research Service, Washington, DC 20005-4788, June 1992.
  • Öhrvik V., Carlsen M. H., Källman, A., Martinsen, T. A.:
    Improving food composition data by standardizing calculation methods.
    Nordisk Ministerråd/Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen 2015, 56 p.
    TemaNord, ISSN 0908-6692 ; 2015:568. 


Selected scientific papers on recipe calculation, yield and retention factors and nutrient calculation
  • Alfaia C.M.M., Alves S.P., Lopes A.F., Fernandes M.J.E., Costa A.S.H., Fontes C.M.G.A., Castro M.L.F., Bessa R.J.B., Prates J.A.M.:
    Effect of cooking methods on fatty acids, conjugated isomers of linoleic acid and nutritional quality of beef intramuscular fat.
    Meat Science, Volume 84, Issue 4, April 2010, Pages 769–777 - DOI: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2009.11.014
  • Biltoft-Jensen A., Knuthsen P., Saxholt E., Christensen T.:
    Comparison between analyzed and calculated nutrient content of fast foods using two consecutive versions of the Danish food composition databank: FOODCOMP and FRIDA.
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2017), DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2017.04.010
  • Helms, P., Wonsild, K., Mejlvang, A., Zedeler, K.:
    Fødevaretabellers pålidelighed. En sammenligning af analyserede og beregnede energifordeling i en række tilberedte retter og bagværk, udført i perioden 1.3. - 2.5. 1977.
    Husholdningsrådets Tekniske Meddelelser, pp. 14 ff., nr. 8, 1978.
  • Bognár A.:
    Comparative study of frying to other cooking techniques influence on the nutritive value.
    Grasas y Aceites Vol. 49. Fase. 3-4 (1998), 250-260
  • Bognár A., Piekarski J.:
    Guidelines for Recipe Information and Calculation of Nutrient Composition of Prepared Foods (Dishes).
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis Volume 13, Issue 4, August 2000, Pages 391-410.
  • Gonçalves B., Borges O., Costa H. S., Bennett R., Santos M., Silva A. P.:
    Metabolite composition of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) upon cooking: Proximate analysis, fibre, organic acids and phenolics.
    Food Chemistry, Vol. 122, Issue 1, pp. 154–160, 2010 - DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.02.032
  • Bureau S., Mouhoubi S., Touloumet L., Garcia C., Moreau F., Bedouet V., Renard C.M.G.C.:
    Are folates, carotenoids and vitamin C affected by cooking? Four domestic procedures are compared on a large diversity of frozen vegetables.
    LWT - Food Science and Technology 64 (2015), pages 735-741 - DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2015.06.016
  • Buzzard M., Price K.S., Warren R.A.:
    Considerations for selecting nutrient-calculation software: evaluation of the nutrient database.
    Am J Clin Nutr 1991;54:7-9.
  • Carvalho L.M.J., Corrêa M.M., Pereira E.J., Nutti M.R., Carvalho J.L.V., Ribeiro E.M.G, Freitas S.C.:
    Iron and zinc retention in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) after home cooking.
    Food & Nutrition Research 2012, 56: 15618 - DOI: 10.3402/fnr.v56i0.15618.
  • Chen A., Gilbert P., Khokhar S.:
    Estimating the nutrient composition of South Asian foods using a recipe calculation method.
    Food Chemistry 113 (2009) 825–831.
  • Clausen and Ovesen:
    Changes in fat content of pork and beef after pan-frying under different conditions.
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis Volume 18, Issues 2-3, March-May 2005, Pages 201-211.
  • Clausen and Ovesen:
    Proximate Contents, Losses and Gains of Fat, Protein and Water Comparing Raw, Hospital- and Household-Cooked Pork Cuts.
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis Volume 14, Issue 5, October 2001, Pages 491-503.
  • Clausen et al:
    Vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in raw and cooked pork cuts.
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis Volume 16, Issue 5, October 2003, Pages 575-585.
  • Dudek J.A., Elkins E.R, Behl B.A., Behrman S.C., Egelhofer D., Hagen R.E.:
    Effects of Cooking and Canning on the Mineral Content of Selected Seafoods.
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2,273-285 (1989).
  • Dudek J.A., Berman S.C., Behl B.A., Elkins E.R., Chin H.B., Farrow R.P.:
    Determination of Effects of Processing and Cooking on the Nutrient Composition of Selected Seafoods - Final Report.
    Report prepared for Office of Utilization and Development; National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Washington D.C. by National Food Processor Association's Research Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1982.
  • E-Shimi N.M.:
    Influence of microwave and conventional cooking and reheating on sensory and chemical characteristics of roast beef.
    Food Chemistry 45 (1992) 11-14.
  • Fillion L., Henry C.J.K.:
    Nutrient losses and gains during frying: a review.
    International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1998, Vol. 49, No. 2 : Pages 157-168 - DOI: 10.3109/09637489809089395
  • Haring, B.S.A and van Delft, W.:
    Changes in the Mineral Composition of Food as a Result of Cooking in 'Hard' and 'Soft' Waters.
    Archives of Environmental Health, Vol. 36, No. 1, January/February 1981
  • Heinonen M., Valsta L., Anttolainen H., Ovaskainen M.-L., Hyvönen L., Mutanen M.: 
    Comparisons between Analyzed and Calculated Food Composition Data: Carotenoids, Retinoids, Tocopherols, Tocotrienols, Fat, Fatty Acids, and Sterols.
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 10, 3–13 (1997)
  • Jakobsen J. and Knuthsen P.:
    Stability of vitamin D in foodstuffs during cooking.
    Food Chemistry 148 (2014) 170–175
  • Juárez M., Marco A., Brunton N., Lynch B., Troy D.J., Mullen A.M.:
    Cooking effect on fatty acid profile of pork breakfast sausages enriched in conjugated linoleic acid by dietary supplementation or direct addition.
    Food Chemistry 117 (2009) 393–397
  • Kirchner J.M., Beasley L.C., Harris K.B., Savell J.W.:
    Evaluating the Cooking and Chemical Characteristics of Low-Fat Ground Beef Patties.
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, volume 13, Issue 3, June 2000, Pages 253-264 - DOI: 10.1006/jfca.2000.0878
  • Kumar S. and Albersberg B.:
    Nutrient retention in foods after earth-oven cooking compared to other forms of domestic cooking. 1. Proximates, carbohydrates and dietary fibre.
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, volume 19, Issue 4, June 2006, Pages 302–310 - DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2005.06.006
  • Kumar S. and Albersberg B.:
    Nutrient retention in foods after earth-oven cooking compared to other forms of domestic cooking: 2. Vitamins
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Volume 19, Issue 4, June 2006, Pages 311–320 - DOI: doi:10.1016/j.jfca.2005.06.007
  • Lassen et al.:
    A comparison of the retention of vitamins B1, B2 and B6, and cooking yield in pork loin with conventional and enhanced meal-service systems.
    European Food Research and Technology, Volume 215, Number 3, Pages 194-199, September, 2002.
  • Lee C.Y., Downing H.D., Iredale H.D., Chapman J.A.:
    The Variations of Ascorbic Acid Content in Vegetable Processing.
    Food Chemistry (1) (1976)
  • Lešková E, Kubíková J., Kováčiková E., Košická M., Porubská J., Holčíková K.:
    Vitamin losses: Retention during heat treatment and continual changes expressed by mathematical models.
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 19 (2006) 252–276
  • Lorenzo J.M., Cittadini A., Munekata P.E., Domínguez R.:
    Physicochemical properties of foal meat as affected by cooking methods.
    Meat Science Volume 108, October 2015, Pages 50–54  - DOI: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2015.05.021
  • Marikkar J.M.N., Ghazali H.M., Lai O.M.:
    Lard uptake and its detection in selected food products deep-fried in lard.
    Food Research International Volume 36, Issues 9–10, 2003, Pages 1047–1060 - DOI: doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2003.08.003
  • Matthews R.H.:
    Recipe calculations vs analytical values.
    Proceedings of the thirteenth National Nutrient Databank Conference, Framingham, MA, 1988.
  • Mattila P., Ronkainen R., Lehikoinen K., Piironen V.:
    Effect of Household Cooking on the Vitamin D content in Fish, Eggs, and Wild Mushrooms.
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 12, 153-160 (1999).
  • Moreira R.G., Sun X., Chen Y.:
    Factors Affecting Oil Uptake in Tortilla Chips in Deep-fat Frying.
    Journal of Food Engineering 31 (1997) 485-498
  • Murphy at al.:
    Comparisons of methods for calculating retentions of nutrients in cooked foods.
    J. Agric. Food Chem.; 1975; 23(6) pp 1153 - 1157.
  • Padrangi and Laborde:
    Retention of Folate, Carotenoids, and Other Quality Characteristics in Commercially Packaged Fresh Spinach.
    Journal of Food Science, Vol. 69, Nr. 9, 2004.
  • Poon P.W.B., Durance T., Kitts D.D.:,
    Composition and retention of lipid nutrients in cooked ground beef relative to heat-transfer rates
    Food Chemistry Volume 74, Issue 4, September 2001, Pages 485–491 - DOI: 10.1016/S0308-8146(01)00167-4
  • Powers P.M., Hoover L.W.:
    Calculating the nutrient composition of recipes with computers.
    J Am Diet Assoc 89:224-233, 1989.
  • Raes K., Balcaen A., Dirinck P., De Winne A., Claeys E., Demeyer D., De Smet S.:
    Meat quality, fatty acid composition and flavour analysis in Belgian retail beef.
    Meat Science, Volume 65, Issue 4, December 2003, Pages 1237–1246 - DOI: 10.1016/S0309-1740(03)00031-7
  • Ramírez M.R., Cava R.:
    Changes in colour, lipid oxidation and fatty acid composition of pork loin chops as affected by the type of culinary frying fat.
    LWT - Food Science and Technology, Volume 38, Issue 7, November 2005, Pages 726–734 - DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2004.09.005
  • Rodriguez-Amaya:
    Carotenoides y Preparacion de Alimentos: La Retención de los Carotenoides Provitamina A en Alimentos Preparados, Procesados Almacenados.
    JSI, 1999.
  • Rodriguez-Amaya:
    Carotenoids and Food Preparation: The Retention of Provitamin A Carotenoids in Prepared, Processed, and Stored Foods.
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  • Rojas-Gonzalez J.A., Avallone S., Brat P., Trystram G., Bohuon P.:
    Effect of deep-fat frying on ascorbic acid, carotenoids and potassium contents of plantain cylinders.
    International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2006, Vol. 57, No. 1-2 : Pages 123-136 -  DOI: 10.1080/09637480600658393
  • Roseland J.M., Nguyen Q.V., Williams J.R., Douglass L.W., Patterson K.Y., Howe J.C., Brooks J.C, Thompson L.D., Woerner D.R., Engle T.E, Savell J.W., Gehring K.B., Cifelli A.M., McNeill S.H.:
    Protein, fat, moisture and cooking yields from a U.S. study of retail beef cuts.
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Volume 43, November 2015, Pages 131–139 - DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2015.04.013
  • Ruiz-Roso B.:
    Grasas y Aceites Vol. 49. Fase. 3-4 (1998), 347-351.
  • Sanchez-Muniz F.J., Viejo J.M., Medina R.:
    Deep-Frying of Sardines in Different Culinary Fats. Changes in the Fatty Acid Composition of Sardines and Frying Fats.
    J. Agrlc. Food Chern. 1812, 40, 2252-2256.
  • Sarriés M.V., Murray B.E., Moloney A.P., Troy D., Beriain M.J.:
    The effect of cooking on the fatty acid composition of longissimus muscle from beef heifers fed rations designed to increase the concentration of conjugated linoleic acid in tissue.
    Meat Science, Volume 81, Issue 2, February 2009, Pages 307–312 - DOI: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2008.08.006
  • Scheeder M.R.L., Casutt M.M., Roulin M., Escher F., Dufey P.-A., Kreuzer M.:
    Fatty acid composition, cooking loss and texture of beef patties from meat of bulls fed different fats.
    Meat Science, Volume 58, Issue 3, July 2001, Pages 321–328 - DOI: 10.1016/S0309-1740(01)00037-7
  • Sheard P.R., Nute G.R., Chappell A.G.:
    The effect of cooking on the chemical composition of meat products with special reference to fat loss.
    Meat Science, Volume 49, Issue 2, June 1998, Pages 175–191 - DOI: 10.1016/S0309-1740(97)00137-X
  • Sheard P.R., Wood J.D., Nute G.R., Ball R.C.:
    Effects of Grilling to 80°C on the Chemical Composition of Pork Loin Chops and Some Observations on the UK National Food Survey Estimate of Fat Consumption.
    Meat Science, Volume 49, Issue 2, June 1998, Pages 193–204 - DOI: 10.1016/S0309-1740(97)00138-1
  • Siebelink E., de Vries J.H.M., Trijsburg L., Hulshof K.F.:
    Evaluation of calculated energy and macronutrient contents of diets provided in controlled dietary intervention trials by chemical analysis of duplicate portions.
    Journal of Food Composisition and Analysis., Volume 43, November 2015, Pages 68-71 - DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2015.04.010
  • Sioen et al.:
    Effects of pan-frying in margarine and olive oil on the fatty acid composition of cod and salmon.
    Food Chemistry 98 (2006) 609–617.
  • Torelm I., Bruce Å., Danfors S.:
    Variances in major nutrients and minerals in four replicas of standardised prepared and corresponding unprepared dishes.
    Food Chemistry, Volume 57, Number 1, 1 September 1996, pp. 82-82(1) - DOI: 10.1016/0308-8146(96)89029-7
  • Torelm I., Danielsson R., Appelqvist L.-Å., Bruce Å.:
    Variations in Major Nutrients and Minerals Due to Interindividual Preparation of Dishes from Recipes.
    Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Volume 10, Issue 1, March 1997, Pages 14–27 - DOI: 10.1006/jfca.1996.0517
  • Torelm I., Danielsson R., Danfors S., Bruce Å.:
    Variations in Major Nutrients and Minerals Due to Standardized Preparation for Dishes and Raw Ingredients: 1. Losses and Gains in Preparation.
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14th International Food Data Conference.

The conference will take place from 1 to 3 September 2025 at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy. For more information, see the IFDC website.
EuroFIR Food Forum 2025

Celebrating 20 years of EuroFIR. 8-9th April 2025, Brussels, Belgium.
For more informattion, see the EuroFIR website.
New Zealand Food Composition Data 2024.

Latest NZFCD products (FOODfiles™, Online Search and the data manual) published the 30th August 2024, see the NZFCD website.
First Albanian food composition tables (2022).

First Albanian food composition tables (2022) published with assistance from NPPC-VÚP in the frame of the Slovak Republic Official Development Support Programme.
Download here.