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Estimating Component Values - Beef

 Updated 2020-07-19

 USDA regression analysis for beef data

USDA Ground Beef Calculator

USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory launched some years ago a new nutrient search program, the Ground Beef Calculator, which provides the user with nutrient information for retail ground beef products containing any level of fat between 3% and 30%.

From the Ground Beef Calculator the relationship between content of a component and the total lipid content can be estimated:


  Component Unit Regression equation Comment    
  Protein [g/100 g] =   22.8 - 0.283 [g protein/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Fatty acids, total saturated [g/100 g] =   0.2202 + 0.0.3765 [g FA/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Fatty acids, total monounsaturated [g/100 g] =   -0.495 + 0.4783 [g FA/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated [g/100 g] =   0.1691 + 0.0176 [g FA/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Fatty acids, total trans [g/100 g] =    -0.100 + 0.064 [g FA/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Cholesterol [mg/100 g] =   57.91 + 0.672 [mg cholesterol/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Moisture [g/100 g] =   77.0 - 0.758 [g moisture/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Ash [g/100 g] =   1.11 - 0.0136 [g ash/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid [mg/100 g] =   0 Assumed zero    
  Thiamin [mg/100 g] =   0.0405 + 0.0001 [mg thiamin/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Riboflavin [mg/100 g] =   0.151 Constant    
  Niacin [mg/100 g] =   5.92 - 0.0845 [mg niacin/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Pantothenic acid [mg/100 g] =   0.7037 - 0.0103 [mg pantothenic acid/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Vitamin B6 [mg/100 g] =   0.4147 - 0.0046 [mg vitamin B6/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Folate, total [mg/100 g] =   3.863 + 0.1663 [mg folate, total/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Choline, total [mg/100 g] =   75.72 - 0.9642 [mg choline, total/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Vitamin B12 [ug/100 g] =   2.283 - 0.007 [ug vitamin B12/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Vitamin A, RAE [ug/100 g] =   4 Constant    
  Retinol [ug/100 g] =   4 Constant    
  Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) [mg/100 g] =   0.17 Constant    
  Tocopherol, beta [mg/100 g] =   0 Assumed zero    
  Tocopherol, gamma [mg/100 g] =   0 Assumed zero    
  Tocopherol, delta [mg/100 g] =   0 Assumed zero    
  Vitamin D (D2 + D3) [ug/100 g] =   0.06 Constant    
  Vitamin D3 (ergocalciferol) [ug/100 g] =   0 Assumed zero    
  Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) [ug/100 g] =   0.06 Constant    
  Vitamin K (phylloquinone) [ug/100 g] =   -0.222 + 0.1024 [ug Vitamin K (phylloquinone)/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Sodium [mg/100 g] =   66 Constant    
  Potassium [mg/100 g] =   372.1 - 5.136 [mg potassium/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Calcium [mg/100 g] =   6.09 + 0.596 [mg calcium/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Magnesium [mg/100 g] =   23.1 - 0.314 [mg magnesium/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Phosphorous [mg/100 g] =   211.2 - 2.643 [mg phosphorous/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Iron [mg/100 g] =   2.53 - 0.0295 [mg iron/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Zinc [mg/100 g] =   5.403 - 0.0611 [mg zinc/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Copper [mg/100 g] =   0.0827 - 0.0011 [mg copper/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Manganese [mg/100 g] =   0.0108 - 6E-05 [mg manganese/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      
  Selenium [ug/100 g] =   18.18 - 0.155 [ug selenium/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g]      


USDA Retail Beef Cuts, Release 3 - linear regression results

Roseland et al (2013) describe the collaborative study conducted to determine the mathematical relationship between individual nutrients and fat content of raw retail beef cuts from which a regression analysis can be performed.
The data have been published in tables that provide nutrient profiles for raw and cooked beef cuts of varying fat content.
Using reverse engineering on these raw beef data, it is possible to deduct the regression equations.

The following linear regression equations of the content of components by total lipid content have been deducted:


  Component Unit Regression equation    
  Moisture [g/100 g] =   75.89 - 0.7412 [g moisture/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.92    
  Cholesterol [mg/100 g] =   56.084 + 1.1369 [mg cholesterol/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.583    
  Protein [g/100 g] =   22.99 - 0.2472 [g protein/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.568    
  Ash [g/100 g] =   1.1313 - 0.0145 [g ash/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.402    
  Thiamin [mg/100 g] =   0.081 - 0.0008 [mg thiamin/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.0357    
  Riboflavin [mg/100 g] =   0.247 - 0.0007 [mg riboflavin/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.2215    
  Niacin [mg/100 g] =   5.9967 - 0.0706 [mg niacin/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.0666    
  Pantothenic acid [mg/100 g] =   0.63 - 0.0003 [mg pantothenic acid/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 4E-05    
  Vitamin B6 [mg/100 g] =   0.7063 - 0.009685 [mg vitamin B6/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.3044    
  Vitamin B12 [ug/100 g] =   0.6626 - 0.0135 [ug vitamin B12/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.046    
  Sodium [mg/100 g] =   59.34 + 0.1776 [mg sodium/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.0034    
  Potassium [mg/100 g] =   355.98 - 4.0198 [mg potassium/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.2839    
  Calcium [mg/100 g] =   10.26 + 0.4669 [mg calcium/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.0907    
  Magnesium [mg/100 g] =   19.91 - 0.63 [mg magnesium/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.003    
  Phosphorous [mg/100 g] =   232.8 - 3.624 [mg phosphorous/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.7324    
  Iron [mg/100 g] =   2.317 + 0.0318 [mg iron/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.0971    
  Zinc [mg/100 g] =   4.498 - 0.0325 [mg zinc/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.0073    
  Selenium [ug/100 g] =   27.25 - 0.3647 [ug selenium/g total lipids] * total lipids [g/100 g] 0.1611    


Some examples of visual depiction of the regression equations found from the raw beef data described above:




  • United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service:
    Ground Beef Calculator. (accessed 2020-07-19).
  • Patterson K. Y., Duvall M. L., Bhagwat S., Howe J. C., Holden J. M. (2011):
    USDA Nutrient Data Set for Retail Beef Cuts Release 2.0.
    Nutrient Data Laboratory (NDL), Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, September 2011. 
  • Kehlet U., Darré M.T., Jensen K., Madsen N.T. and Kristensen L. (2012):
    Nutritional composition of Danish Beef.
    58th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 12-17th August 2012, Montreal, Canada.
  • Roseland J., Nguyen Q. V., Williams J. R., Patterson K. Y. (2013):
    USDA Nutrient Data Set for Retail Beef Cuts Release 3.0.
    Nutrient Data Laboratory (NDL), Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, September 2013.


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