Protein |
| Updated 2021-07-09 |

Expression of Protein Values |

Preferred method of protein measurement |
In the official recommendations,
FAO Food and Nutrition Paper 77, the preferred method for
measuring protein is stated as
"the sum of individual amino acid
residues (the molecular weight of each amino acid less the molecular
weight of water)";
this is the most
precise method of calculating the protein content of foods.
However, the currently
available amino acid data do not cover all the foods needed in a comprehensive
food composition database. Therefore, using the traditional Kjeldahl
method (or comparable methods) is acceptable, see below.
For more information on protein calculated from amino acids, see
Compilers' ToolBox™'s page on
Amino Acids).

Acceptable method of protein measurement |
The acceptable method of protein detrmination is therefore the most commonly
used calculation of the
so-called "crude protein" from the amount of total nitrogen (N) analysed in the food by the Kjeldahl or comparable method (Dumas,
Kjel-Foss (automated Kjeldahl using antimony-based catalyst), Kjeltec, etc).
By multiplying the total nitrogen content with a food matrix
specific factor, the nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor (NCF) or
Jones factor:
protein content = |
total nitrogen content x specific conversion factor |
the "crude protein" content is found.
It should be noted
that calculating the protein content this way most often overestimates the
"true" protein content as the resulting protein content also includes a contribution from
non-protein nitrogen (NPN). Total nitrogen is the sum of that derived
from amino acids, which generally represent the vast majority, and that
from non-protein nitrogen (NPN) sources, generally smaller in quantity,
existing in foods.
This means that the more correct and acceptable way of
calculating "true" protein values is:
protein content = |
(total nitrogen content - non-protein nitrogen) x specific conversion factor |
The most common non-protein nitrogen comprises compounds like free
amino acids, nucleotides, nucleic acids, urea, creatine/creatinine,
ammonium nitrogen, urea, etc. as well nitrate/nitrite and purines. The
non-protein nitrogen content is low in most foods, generally 5-10% of
total nitrogen or less; but there are foods, like human milk or seafood in which
the non-protein nitrogen part can be as high as about 20% of the total
nitrogen,, e.g. in crustaceans and molluscs - in sharks and rays even
higher. For more information on non-protein nitrogen, see the page on
Nitrogen in Foods.
Furthermore, there may be important differences
in "crude nitrogen yield" as determined by the different analytical nitrogen
determination procedures.
More information in
Analytical methods for nitrogen and their
impact on protein values below.
The total nitrogen content is traditionally determined by the
dominating Kjeldahl or Dumas methods, but several other methods are
available for specific applications.
Greenfield and Southgate (FAO Rome, 2003), page 100,
presents a list of methods of analysis for nitrogen and protein.

Nitrogen-to-Protein Conversion Factors |

The development of nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors |

As far back as in 1838, the Dutch chemist G. J. Mulder publshed an
article (in French) about "the
composition of animal substances" in which he
describes the precipitation of a highly purified substance in sulphuric
acid from from "albumine" in animal tissue. He named the substance
"proteïnsulphuric acid". He presented a common elemental composition C40H62N10O12
for the substance (not including the suphuric acid), the "proteïn" - a
name the Swedish chemist J. J. Berzelius had suggested to Mulder in
correspondance the previous year.
In 1839, G. J. Mulder published his findings in German.
Mulder found that the nitrogen content of the isolated chemical
substance, "proteïn" was 16%, i. e. the conversion from nitrogen to
protein is 100/16, which equals 6.25 - the nitrogen-to-protein
conversion factor was "born".
The factor 6.25 was used as nitrogen-to-protein factor from that time -
and has been used as the generic nitrogen-to-protein factor ever since.

W. O. Atwater and A. P. Bryant |
In 1883, W. O. Atwater publishes his fish data in German. Atwater
reports that proteïn is calculated from total nitrogen multiplied by the
factor 6.25 according to "normal practice", although he has some doubts about the results'
validity: "Nach meiner persönlichen Meinung wäre es richtiger, die
Eiweissstöffe und die stickstoffhaltenden Extraktivstoffe direkt zn
bestimmen, was in der That in dieser Untersuchung bei vielen Proben
geschehen ist" [en. in my personal opinion, it would actually be more
correct to determine the albuminoids and nitrogen containing extracts
(non-protein nitrogen) separately, which in fact has been done for many
samples in this study].
Even 40 years before D. B. Jones published his
famous work on nitrogen-to-protein
conversion factors, now called Jones' factors, Atwater and Bryant
indicated that specific nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors were
necessary not only to estimate protein content right, but also
carbohydrate content when using "total carbohydrate by difference"
calculation - if protein is overestimated, carbohydrate is
underestimated and vice versa.
Here is
a table from Atwater and Bryants report from

It is worth noting that Atwater and Bryant
actually estimated nitrogen-to-protein
conversion factors for vegetables and fruits
more than a hundred years ago. Jones did not
forget these, but said that "There is not
sufficient knowledge regarding the proteins of
fruits and vegetables to justify the calculation
of e special factor". However, more recent
findings seems to support the low factors of
5.65 and 5.80 for vegetables and fruits,
respectively, mentioned by Atwater and Bryant (Fujihara et
al (2001), Salo-Väänänen and Koivistoinen (1996)
and Yeoh and Wee (1994)). These new findings
actually indicate that the nitrogen-to-protein
conversion factors for vegetables and fruits
should be even lower.
Factors for Converting Percentages of Nitrogen
in Foods and Feeds into Percentages of Proteins,
United States Department of Agriculture,
Circular 183, 1931 (slightly revised August,
Jones determined the specific nitrogen to protein factors on the basis of the nitrogen content of more
than 121 different proteins isolated from plant and animal sources. It
is remarkable that no really serious attempt has been made since 1941 to
enlarge this list. For the remaining foods the factor 6.25 is applied
‘until more is known regarding their protein’.
It should also be noted that Jones' work is based on the Kjeldahl method
for determining the nitrogen content. This means that other methods of
analysis for nitrogen giving slightly different results compared to the
Kjeldahl method, may require adjusted nitrogen-to-protein conversion
factors (see below).
Jones is in his report strongly emphasizing how uncertain the values he presents are. Although the scientific
literature shows some attempts to question of Jones’ findings, it is
remarkable that relatively little work has been done in this field
– especially regarding the long timespan of more than ninety years.
In the following Nitrogen-to-Protein
conversion factors are abbreviated NCF. However,
there are many other acronyms are used for NFC
(Nitrogen-to-Protein Conversion factor), like
N-Prot, N2P, kP', N:P, NPCF, etc.
The original Jones' factors for calculating protein from the nitrogen content
of food (from Circular 183, 1941):

As Greenfield and Southgate state, the
Jones' factors "are being fragmentally
questioned", but until now, no work has been
done on establishing a new full set of NCFs, and
Jones' NCFs are still very much "in power".
There is however some evidence that the
Jones' NCFs are somewhat too high and authors of
scientific articles have tried to point out
their findings for many years, but it is still
the old Jones' factors that are prevailing. The
newer research into NCFs is sometimes also
In References below a list of publications on
the subject of NCFs is given.

Be Careful with the Source of Nitrogen-to-Protein Conversion factors - one authoritative source |
It is important to be careful when selecting nitrogen-to-protein
conversion factors (NCFs) as some sources contain errors (or may not
have documented their references properly).
Greenfield and Southgate (FAO Rome, 2003),
page 103, refer to Food and Agriculture
Organization /World Health Organization. Energy
and protein requirements. Report of a Joint
FAO/WHO Ad Hoc Expert Committee. FAO Nutrition
Meetings No. 52. FAO, Rome 1973
, as their
When you read this publication and its reference
to the nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors
given in its
, it turns out that the specific
NCFs are given in the annex in order to be able
to calculate back to protein (NCF: 6.25),
because the protein requirements are based on
protein (NCF: 6.25) and most food composition
tables are using specific NFCs (or Jones' factors).
The FAO/WHO report indicates that the
specific NCFs are taken from FAO amino acid
Amino acids of foods and biological data on
proteins, Rome 1970 (FAO Nutritional Studies,
No. 24)
In the Foreword of this publication, it is
stated that the NCFs are taken from Jones
Many food composition tables and databases
refer to the NCF tables given in the preface of
the printed versions McCance and
Widdowson's The Composition of foods, which from
4th edition (1978) up to the 6th
edition contains some discrepancies compared to Jones' establshed
specific factors.
Therefore, use the original source:
D. Breese Jones
Factors for Converting Percentages of Nitrogen
in Foods and Feeds into Percentages of Proteins,
United States Department of Agriculture,
Circular 183, 1931 (slightly revised August,
or more recent scientific work on
nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors.

Nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors in international legislation |

The European Directive on Food Information to the Consumer |
The Council Directive 90/496/EEC of 24
September 1990 on nutrition labelling for
foodstuffs and more recent amendments (
defines protein as follows
'protein' means the protein content
calculated using the formula: protein = total
Kjeldahl nitrogen × 6,25
i.e. only the general Jones factor, 6.25, is
The consultations (2003) with the EU
Member States concerning Directive 90/496/EEC on
Nutrition Labelling for Foodstuffs are reported
in the Discussion Paper on Revision of Technical
Issues [DG Health and Consumer Protection,
Directorate E - Safety of the food chain, May
There is no change of the definition of protein
suggested in the report.
The European Advisory Services has prepared
an interesting report on Impact Assessment of
Mandatory Nutrition Labelling in the European
Union for DG Sanco, European Commission,
November 2004 [
The new European law on food information to
the consumer, Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 on
the provision of food information to consumers
entered into application on 13 December 2014.
The obligation to provide nutrition information
will apply from 13 December 2016. In the new
protein still has the same definition: protein =
total Kjeldahl nitrogen × 6,25.

The Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses |
In the discussions in the Codex
Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special
Dietary Uses concerning the Draft Revised
Standard for Infant Formula, it has emphasized
that the specific factors (i.e. the Jones' factors) are not based on current scientific
evidence, and it has been suggested that for
infant formula a factor of 6.25 should be used
for calculating protein from Kjeldahl nitrogen -
unless "a scientific justification is provided
for the use of a different conversion factor for
a particular nitrogen source [Comment from EC
In this context, the International Dairy
Foundation has prepared a comprehensive review
of scientific literature on nitrogen conversion
factors - especially for milk, milk products and
soy products: IDF Bulletin 405-2006 -
Comprehensive review of scientific literature
pertaining to nitrogen protein conversion
factors [
The review concludes that there is substantial
scientific evidence to support a specific
nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor for
specific sources of protein (e.g. milk and milk
products, soy and soy products, etc.) rather
than the introduction of a single inaccurate
nitrogen conversion factor, as has been
envisaged in the revision of the Codex Standard
for Infant Formula.
In their investigations, Tomé et al. (2019
give a very comprehensive investigation of the current literature on
nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors and indicate that "it has been
known for decades that using total nitrogen content with a conversion
factor of 6.25 to quantify total protein is imperfect and can lead to a
15–20% error in the actual protein content" - and ""Because both the
protein and the nitrogen component can be determined by different
approaches, the resulting values of the conversion factor can vary. In
the literature, different terminologies have been used for the
conversion factors, depending on the method by which they have been
calculated". Tomé et al. find slightly lower results for milk and milk
products than those found in the study above.

Analytical methods for nitrogen and their impact on protein values |

The Kjeldahl and Dumas methods |
Protein is in practice, i.e. regulations and food composition work, generally
accepted and defined as Kjeldahl
nitrogen multiplied by a factor, the so-called
nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor.
This means that the Kjeldahl
method is the generic analytical method in
nitrogen analysis and protein determination.
The nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors or
Jones' factors mentioned above relate to
total nitrogen determined by the Kjeldahl method. The
Kjeldahl method has some drawbacks - it is
rather polluting and time-consuming - which
makes alternative methods like the Dumas
method preferable. The Dumas procedure involves
combustion for the determination of nitrogen in
organic substances.
AOAC approved the Dumas method for
determination of nitrogen in meat and meat
products in 1993 (AOAC Method No. 992.15), and
it is widely used in the meat sector. The AOAC
Method specification mentions that the Dumas
method gives higher nitrogen results (1%) than
the common Kjeldahl method. The AOAC
specifications recommend a nitrogen-to-protein
conversion factor of 6.25 being used with the
Dumas method, also.
However, you may see the use
of a nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor of
6.12 (instead of the general Jones factor 6.25)
to calculate protein from total nitrogen determined by
the Dumas method for meat and meat products
(Danish Meat Research Institute, 1993).
More literature on comparison of Kjeldahl, Dumas and NIR methods:
Etheridge et al. - A comparison of nitrogen
values obtained utilizing the Kjeldahl nitrogen
and Dumas combustion methodologies (Leco CNS

Thomson et al. - Testing for bias between the Kjeldahl and Dumas methods
for the determination of nitrogen in meat mixtures, by using data from a
designed interlaboratory experiment

Thomson et al. - A comparison of the Kjeldahl and Dumas
methods for the determination of protein in foods, using data from a
proficiency testing scheme

Mihaljev et al. - Comparison of the Kjeldahl method, Dumas
method and NIR method for total nitrogen determination in meat and meat

Müller - Dumas or Kjeldahl for reference analysis?

Newer methods include the automated CHN
elemental analyzer (Perkin-Elmer 2400 CHN
elemental analyzer), which gives rapid and
reliable results of the elements C, H and N, but
the equipment is expensive.

Although many scientific findings during the last centuries reveal that protein values are overestimated when calculated from total nitrogen (Kjeldahl nitrogen),
its seems that for ease of calculations, the general method for
calculating "crude" protein using a fixed/general nitrogen-to-protein
factor of 6.25 g protein/g nitrogen is still prevailing, e.g. in
legislation and thereby also in food composition tables/databases.
The general factor of 6.25 g protein/g nitrogen in many cases grossly
overestimates the protein content of many foods.
Many attempts have been made to refine the original specific
nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors (see References below) defined by
D.B. Jones back in 1931, but until now no consensus has been reached to
suggest a new and more comprehensive set of factors. This may be caused
by conflicting results between the different studies, but may also be a
result of legislative, financial or economical issues.
The use of the recommended method for calculating protein as the sum
of (anhydrous) amino acid residues is sparsely used due to the lack of
good amino acid data and cost of amino acid analysis. As more and more
data on the amino acid content in foods become available, the
recommended method hopefully gains more attention. It should be remarked
in this context that there are several examples in the literature making
incorrect use of the "sum of amino acids" instead of the "sum of amino
acid residues" in connection with protein calculation. This will
evidently lead to wrongly calculated protein results.
As both the recommended and accepted methods for calculating protein
content rely on the nitrogen content of foods. It is therefore evident
that the nitrogen content must be determined with a reliable method, and
that non-protein nitrogen is subtracted from total nitrogen ("crude"
nitrogen) before the calculation of the protein content. It is
furthermore important to know, how the nitrogen-to-protein conversion
factors have been derived, i.e. if the factors have been derived from
"crude" nitrogen values or nitrogen values corrected for non-protein
nitrogen, which is seen in a few cases.
In order to establish a new, detailed set of nitrogen-to-protein
conversion factors, it is important to investigate and collect as many
studies as possible. Different studies yield different results often due
to different methods for the same food. Differences are also due to
different production of the same type of foods.

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