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Compilers' Toolbox™ - what Greenfield and Southgate did not write

 Updated 2020-10-27

 A website for food composition data

A food composition data compiler's tasks are multi-disciplinary. The qualifications required from a food composition data compiler are at the same time to be a nutritionist, a keen documentalist, a food analyst, a statistician, a computer engineer and IT specialist.

Compilers' Toolbox™ website contains information on specific topics for food composition data compilers. The information on the website uses to a large extent reference to the basic textbooks in food composition, Guide Lines for the Preparation of Tables of Food Composition by D.A.T. Southgate (1974), and its successor, Food Composition Data: Production, Management and Use by H. Greenfield and D.A.T Southgate (2003) provided by FAO/INFOODS:

Guide Lines for the Preparation of Tables of Food Composition   Guide Lines for the Preparation of Tables of Food Composition
D.A.T. Southgate
with contributions from J.C. Somogyi and E.M. Widdowson
S. Karger AG, Basel, 1974
  Food Composition Data: Production, Management and Use
H. Greenfield & D.A.T. Southgate, 2nd Edition, FAO Rome, 2003.
In English:  Greenfield and Southgate - as Google book in English
Données sur la composition des aliments. Production, gestion et utilisation
H. Greenfield & DAT Southgate, Seconde édition, FAO Rome, 2007.
En français: Greenfield and Southgate - Google book en français
Datos de composición de alimentos. Obtención, gestión y utilización
H. Greenfield & DAT Southgate, Segunda edición, FAO Roma, 2006.
En español: Greenfield and Southgate - Google book en español

Compilers' Toolbox™ should be regarded as a supplement to these publications as well as to the work done around the world. The intention with the provision of the information on this website is not in any way to critisize the authors of the above publications, but to explain more in depth some of the issues that are either not touched upon by the authors or only sporadically mentioned.

The Compilers' Toolbox™ will not go into details with the analytical chemistry needed for food composition. It will on the other hand focus on areas in the food composition data compilers' practical work during the handling of data in the compilation process.
Compilers' Toolbox™ provides links to additional online resources of scientific information concerning food composition on the web and food composition databases around the world.

 The five Main Entities in the food composition environment

According to the Eurofoods Recommendations, the draft EuroFIR standard and the final European Standard EN 16104:2012 Food data - Structure and interchange format, the five main entities in food composition work are Food, Component, Value, Method and Reference supported by a series of other entities. This terminology is used throughout this website with proper reference to eventual different terminology used in other "systems".

The main entities and supporting entities are described in detail in the section Main Entities. A special section on Terminology will also be provided.

Compilers' Toolbox™ will also make reference to the work done in the European projects Eurofoods, Cost Action 99 - Eurofoods, and mainly the EuroFIR project (European Food Information Resource Consortium funded under the EU 6th Framework Food Quality and Safety thematic priority, contract FOOD-CT-2005-513944) and its achievements during its 5 1/2 years existence as well as to its successors EuroFIR AISBL and EuroFIR Nexus (for more information about EuroFIR, see the EuroFIR website).


The Compilers' Toolbox™ website is under constant development and the content continuously updated. A lot of information is still unfinished and some information is missing.
The website and its pages are optimized for a screen resolution of 1280*1024 or higher.

14th International Food Data Conference.

The conference will take place from 1 to 3 September 2025 at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy. For more information, see the IFDC website.
EuroFIR Food Forum 2025

Celebrating 20 years of EuroFIR. 8-9th April 2025, Brussels, Belgium.
For more informattion, see the EuroFIR website.
New Zealand Food Composition Data 2024.

Latest NZFCD products (FOODfiles™, Online Search and the data manual) published the 30th August 2024, see the NZFCD website.
First Albanian food composition tables (2022).

First Albanian food composition tables (2022) published with assistance from NPPC-VÚP in the frame of the Slovak Republic Official Development Support Programme.
Download here.